Previous thred twitter chats
Thanks to initial funding from LCR Cares - Covid 19 Community Support Fund, our #DementiaInLiverpool chats are always open to everyone affected by or with an interest in Dementia wherever you are in the world.
Tommy Dunne and Paul Hitchmough from @thredCiC host a weekly twitter chat for an hour every Wednesday at 8pm for people living with Dementia and those who support them. Including organisations, care homes and care workers during this period. We want to enable people to chat virtually now it may be difficult to meet up physically. Our aim is to reduce social isolation for all those affected by Dementia. Here are the subjects we have covered from April 2020 to present day:
1. Music
2. Social isolation
3. Communication
4. Tips for dementia carer support & recognition
5. Tips for coping with depression and anxiety
6. Tips for nutrition, mealtimes and exercise
7. Loss and grief in dementia
8. Life goes on following a diagnoses of dementia
9. What can "stories" teach us about dementia and can they have a significant impact on care?.
10. Technology and why it plays an important part in dementia
11. Transport, Health, Research, Economy and there importance to dementia.
12. Stigma, Sundowning, End of life, Palliative Care and dementia
13. Visiting a Person Living With Dementia (PLWD) whether it be in their own home or in a care home following lockdown part 1
14. Visiting a Person Living With Dementia (PLWD) whether it be in their own home or in a care home following lockdown part 2
15. Dementia and health checks, pre-diagnosis and post-diagnoses
16. Dementia care tips to calm agitation .
17. People with dementia should have a right to prepare and plan and participate in their own future.
18. Pets in dementia care
19. Dementia diagnosis support tips
20. BAME & LGBT Dementia
21. Travelling after COVID
22. Intergenerational activities in dementia care
23. Young on-set Dementia
24. What dementia has taught me
25. Tips for using reminiscence in dementia care
26. Dementia care tips for ageing in place
27. Supporting self-expression in dementia care
28. Tips to handle behaviour changes in dementia care
29. How can caregivers take care of themselves. Managing depression
30. Breaking down boundaries: working in partnership to create dementia inclusive societies
31. Cultural Appropriation,
32. Tips for listening in dementia care, and barriers.
33. Dementia care tips during Christmas holiday celebrations
34. Christmas tweet jokes
35. New Year Jokes
36. Mindfulness in dementia care
37. Creative arts and creative self expression in dementia care part 1
38. Art activities in dementia care part 2
39. Behaviour, Feelings, Anger, ‘Peculiar’, ‘Inappropriate‘, also Taboo subjects, Inappropriate Sexual behaviour, Incontinence.
40. What’s it like to have dementia.
41. How to help a PLWD live well with dementia Part 1
42. How you can live better with dementia Part 2
43. Transport Post Covid Hopes and Fears
44. Dementia Care tips to maintain positive relationships
45. Dementia care tips for dressing/clothing
46. Keeping a Person living with dementia occupied and stimulated during and post Covid part 1.
47. Keeping a Person living with dementia occupied and stimulated during and post Covid part 2.
48. Comforting and Calming a Person Living With Dementia
49. Dementia and Disinhibited behaviours/comments.
50. How well has social care performed during the pandemic for People Living with Dementia (PLWD) and their Carers.
51. EP Song Releases.
52. Let’s carer for the Carer part 1
53. Let’s care for the Carer part 2
54. Communication in dementia part 1
55. Communication in dementia part 2
56. Preparing for the future
57. Using laughter and humour in dementia care.
58. Eating and Drinking difficulties in dementia care Part 1
59. Eating and Drinking difficulties in dementia care Part 2
60. Understanding Stigma and what it means to PLWD
61. Understanding Sundowning in People living with dementia
62. Coming to terms with your diagnosis of Dementia
63. Discussing end of life care and death in dementia
64. Transport getting PLWD back out into Society. Part 1
65. Transport getting PLWD back out into Society. Part 2
66. Common behaviour changes in dementia care and tips to cope. Part 1
67. Common behaviour changes in dementia care and tips to cope. Part 2
68. Encouraging self-expression in dementia care
69. Common behaviour changes in dementia care and tips to cope. Part 1
70. Common behaviour changes in dementia care and tips to cope. Part 2
71. Pre-Diagnoses and Post-Diagnoses Dementia and health checks
72. Using Reminiscence in Dementia Care
73. The importance of Creative Arts and Creative Self Expression in Dementia Care. Part 1
74. The importance of Creative Arts and Creative Self Expression in Dementia Care. Part 2
75. Using Mindfulness in Dementia care and mental health
76. Tips for Sundowning in Dementia
77. Importance of listening in dementia care, and potential barriers. Part 1
78. Importance of listening in dementia care, and potential barriers. Part 2