thred is a Community interest company and we believe that it’s vital to connect Transport, Health, Research and the Economy for those living with the condition.
We believe in doing things differently and can no longer look at all these sectors in isolation. We intend to have joined up conversations with all involved about how we can connect communities to reduce isolation and loneliness and improve the wellbeing of people with dementia and their carers.
The company is run by three directors:
Tommy Dunne BEM
Paul Hitchmough
Pat Broster
We have all worked locally, regionally and nationally across different sectors including health and social care, research, housing and transport over several years, driven by the fact that Tommy and Paul are living with dementia and Pat and Louise are former carers.
Our combined experience means that together we represent the two sides of living with dementia.
Your public transport experiences
You could influence how Public Transport services provide for People Living with Dementia across the Liverpool City Region.
Thred Community Interest Company, developed and run by people living with dementia has been commissioned to engage people living with dementia about their views, opinions, and experience on local transport. The feedback from the dementia community will help develop the new LCR Local Transport Plan.
How do you get involved?
Contact Pat/Tory at or to find out where you can attend a local one hour session which will be held in Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St. Helens and Wirral.
Our small group sessions will be organised and facilitated by Tommy Dunne, a local transport professional throughout his career before being diagnosed with dementia. Tommy has worked over the past 8 years to improve public transport provision for the dementia community.
Why it is important to get involved
The LCR Local Transport Plan is being developed and will be in placed for the next 18 years. It’s important that the new LTP is influenced by what you need to help you stay independent for as long as possible and remain connected to family/friends and local communities.
By giving your input you can help shape the new plan that will benefit you and other peers that are living with dementia now and or others that may be diagnosed in the future.
Planning the Future of Public Transport for People Living with Dementia
Developing the Local Transport Plan for Liverpool City Region
What is the Local Transport plan?
If you’re living in any of the districts highlighted above, you are now part of a Combined Authority -the Liverpool City Region (LCR).
Every City Region across the country is required by law to develop a Local Transport Plan (LTP) so it can be used to guide transport programmes and referred to when making important decisions that affect all of us. The LCR is currently designing its plan for the next 18 years (up to 2040 and is in line with the Net Zero Carbon plan that aims to reduce environmental impact too).
The new (version 4) Local Transport Plan is due to be published in Spring 2023.
What is important to you?
How does local transport help you stay connected with your family, friends, local groups, and services?
Will you make a difference and tell us what you think? Your experiences? How you use public transport or why you don’t?
This is a great opportunity for you to have a your say about how public transport is going to be developed.
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After our twitter chat tonight about public transport, we would like to campaign for a standard dementia travel card. Please register with us for updates....
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